(253) 848 – 6000

Stinging Insect Control & Prevention

Stinging insects, from bees to wasps, evoke a delicate balance of fascination and fear. With their intricate societies and vital roles in pollination, they are both captivating and potentially dangerous. This is especially true when they come into contact with our homes.

  • Site Assessment – Upon arrival, our experienced and licensed technicians will conduct a thorough inspection of your property to locate stinging insect nests. Your input on areas of concern is valuable in this process.

  • Remedial Control Measures – Depending on the location of the nest, we determine the most appropriate treatment method for eradication. While we strive to remove nests for immediate results, logistical constraints may prevent it.

  • Preventative Service – In some cases, particularly where stinging insects are prevalent, we highly recommend initiating a recurring preventative service to mitigate future infestations, especially during the summer months.

At Rambo Total Pest Control, we have all the tools and experience necessary to eliminate an active nest quickly and efficiently. We can usually accomplish this within hours of your call!

Professional Stinging Insect Control Services

Stinging insects can be persistent and potentially dangerous pests to deal with. From painful stings to nest-building in inconvenient places, these pests can disrupt your outdoor activities and pose a threat to your family’s safety. However, our expert pest control services provide effective solutions to rid your property of stinging insect infestations.

Insect Total Package

Our Insect Total Package provides complete exclusion and protection against a vast array of insect invaders, including stinging insects like wasps, hornets, and yellowjackets.


  • Initial assessment of interior, exterior, crawlspace, attic, and/or garage as needed
  • Brushing webs from entire perimeter – focus on eaves, exterior lighting, doors/windows, etc.
  • Treat interior and/or exterior of structure for control and prevention of insects and arthropods. This may include ants (all types), spiders, roaches, wasps, yellowjackets, earwigs, silverfish, and other occasional invaders
  • Standard exterior prevention includes foundation areas, around doors/windows, exterior lighting, and other problem areas within five feet of the structure.
  • There is no automatic follow up included – rather it is up to the technician’s discretion to request follow ups as needed, or the client can call for extra service if needed
  • Initial price starts at $349
  • Initial discount available if approving to 12-month service agreement
  • Quarterly servicing schedule except for rare exceptions when monthly frequency is deemed necessary
  • Quarterly price starts at $125/quarterly treatment. If Monthly is determined to be necessary the monthly service price starts at $75.

Rambo Total Pest Package

Our Total Pest Package offers comprehensive solutions targeting both rodent and insect infestations.


  • Initial assessment of interior, exterior, crawlspace, attic, and/or garage as needed
  • Brushing webs from entire perimeter – focus on eaves, exterior lighting, doors/windows, etc.
  • Treat interior and/or exterior of structure for control and prevention of insects and arthropods. This may include ants (all types), spiders, roaches, wasps, yellowjackets, earwigs, silverfish, and other occasional invaders
  • Standard exterior prevention includes foundation areas, around doors/windows, exterior lighting, and other problem areas within five feet of the structure.
  • Up to 30 minutes of rodent exclusion
  • Rodent snap trap placement as needed throughout structure
  • Exterior tamper-resistant bait station placement as needed
  • 5 to 10 day follow-up
  • Initial price starts at $649
  • Initial discount available if approving to 12-month service agreement
  • Monthly servicing schedule for two months or until control is obtained, then switch to quarterly
  • Monthly price starts at $95, quarterly price starts at $145.
rtpc dangers of stinging insects

The Dangers of Stinging Insects

Many stinging insects like bumble bees, honey bees, and even mud daubers are not aggressive unless threatened. In fact, these insects are incredibly beneficial to the environment. Others, however, such as yellowjackets and bald-faced hornets are extremely aggressive, posing a major threat to people and pets, especially when nesting near homes and businesses.

Stinging insect nests can be found in the ground, in bushes and trees, in construction voids, and sometimes inside a wall or ceiling. Wall and ceiling nests can pose a serious threat; they can actually eat their way through the drywall and break through into the living space.

Some of the common traits among stinging insects are:

  • They are foragers. Stinging insects, like wasps and hornets, forage actively for building materials and food, especially during spring and summer for colony maintenance and survival.

  • Stinging insects can travel considerable distances, up to a quarter mile, from their nests in search of resources, resulting in flying activity even when nests are elsewhere. This can lead to heightened insect activity in properties adjacent to active nests.

  • During foraging, stinging insects often hover around structures, plants, and open areas, like lawns and eaves. Despite not nesting directly on your property, the presence of suitable resources may attract them.

  • Professional treatments can deter new nests, but do not suppress stinging insects’ natural foraging instincts fully. Without a nest to treat directly, completely halting flying and foraging activity around your property can be challenging.

Stinging Insect Identification

Washington is home to a number of stinging insects, including all manner of aggressive stinging insects such as wasps, and more beneficial stinging insects like bees:

Aggressive Stinging Insects

rtpc stinging insects yellowjacket


  • Yellowjackets belong to the wasp family and are especially aggressive. They are typically seen during your outdoor barbeques, and often they seem to attack for almost no reason at all. Their diet consists of sugars from nectars and fruit, and carbohydrates from meat and other insects. They are easily identified by their distinctive bright yellow and black coloration, their aggressive behavior, and their fast and precise flying abilities. Unlike honey bees that can only sting you once, a single yellowjacket can sting a person or animal multiple times.

    Overwintering queens will emerge in the late spring in search of new nesting locations. She will develop an initial brood of 30 to 50 cells for 18 to 20 days, before taking on the sole purpose of egg laying. A full-size yellowjacket colony will reach up to 5,000 workers. As the colony begins to die off in the fall, newly developed queens will find a safe place to overwinter to start the process again next spring.

rtpc stinging insects bald faced hornet

Bald-Faced Hornets

  • Bald-faced hornets are members of the wasp family and are not true hornets. They are known for their exceedingly large nest sizes, which can grow to be the size of a basketball or larger, and are easily identified by their large body size, painful stings, and distinctive white and black body coloration.

    A single bald-faced hornet can sting a person or an animal several times, due to their smooth long stingers. They also possess the unique ability to shoot venom from their stingers into the eyes of intruders. Their colonies can reach up to 700 workers, but usually do not appear until late summer. Nests are usually located at least three feet off of the ground in bushes, trees, or on structures. They are omnivorous, with a diet consisting of insects like spiders, flies, and caterpillars.

rtpc stinging insects paper wasp

Paper Wasps

  • Paper wasps are easily identified by their long legs, bright yellow and black coloration, and their exposed nests with no protective shell and easily visible cells. Wasps can be excellent predators of other undesirable insects and can sometimes show aggressive behavior toward humans. Their nests are built in areas of high heat and no direct exposure to sunlight.

    Paper wasps are semi-social, with smaller nests numbering less than 50 workers, and are generally just a nuisance pest due to their many small golf ball-sized nests that they build under the eaves of houses or in roof structures. They also have an amazing ability to perform their own pest control by secreting a chemical at the base of their nest which repels insects such as ants. All female paper wasps have the ability to lay eggs and become a queen; however, the queen function is usually only performed by the most aggressive and dominant female.

Beneficial Stinging Insects

rtpc stinging insects honey bee

Honey Bees

  • Honey bees play a critical role in the pollination of over 30% of our world’s crops and they cross-pollinate 90% of the world’s wild flowering plants. Due to a recent increase of a phenomenon termed Colony Collapse Disorder throughout the farming industry worldwide, every effort should be made to preserve honey bee nests when they are found. Honey bee nests can pose a structural concern for homes and businesses. When nests are built inside a building, it requires that the nest be physically scraped and removed.

    After the honey bees within a nest die, the honeycomb will begin to melt, resulting in structural damage, re-infestation by other bees, secondary pest infestations like ants or rats, and even additional damage from large animals like racoons that are attempting to eat the honey. Honey bee removal often requires the services of a beekeeper. Typically, companies in our industry will only destroy a honey bee nest if it is posing a direct threat to your safety. Honey bees are usually very passive, and stings often occur by accident or when the bee is attempting to defend itself or its nest.

rtpc stinging insects bumble bee

Bumble Bees

  • Like honey bees, bumble bees are another very useful pollinator, easily identified by their large oval shaped body and long fuzzy hair. They keep colonies much smaller than honey bees, usually no larger than 50 workers. They are often recognized by their black and yellow coloring; however, their coloration can vary drastically from one species to another.

    Bumble bees are not aggressive insects, but they will defend themselves when threatened. Their pollination is valuable to the environment and should be preserved whenever possible. They are not valued by the beekeeper industry, however, so if a nest must be removed, it will usually require its destruction.

rtpc stinging insects mud dauber

Mud Daubers

  • Mud daubers are non-social members of the wasp family. They do not rely on colonies for survival, as do social insects like ants and honey bees. Mud daubers are considered a nuisance pest, and rarely sting even if their nest is disturbed. They can be easily identified by their long legs and long skinny waist that is stretched out between their thorax and abdomen. Mud daubers are considered beneficial insects, as they prey on undesirable spiders and other household pests, but their mud nests can be very unsightly on a nice house.

    Just like their name implies, they build their nests out of mud, creating multiple short tubes about an inch long placed adjacent to each other. The purpose of each tube is to house a single egg. The queen will sting and paralyze a spider, remove, or cripple the spider’s legs, then place the body into the tube as a food source. She then seals off with the mud tube until the growing wasp completes metamorphosis and emerges as an adult. Removal of the nest is recommended and can usually be performed without chemical treatment.

rtpc stinging insects control methods

Stinging Insect Control Methods

At Rambo Total Pest Control, we have all the tools and experience necessary to eliminate an active nest quickly and efficiently! We can usually accomplish this within hours of your call. Upon arrival, we will inspect your property so that we can locate the stinging insect nests. If you have any areas of concern, please inform your technician.

The location of the nest will determine the treatment method, and if the nest can be removed or not. We will always attempt to remove the nest from your property after we destroy it for immediate results; however, sometimes the nest location prevents that from happening. We warranty the treated nests until the end of the calendar year, but this warranty is limited to social varieties of stinging insects which build large nests, like yellow jackets and hornets.

Stinging Insect Prevention Tips

Some preventative actions can be taken to limit stinging insect activity on your property, but the true measure of control is only possible when a nest can be located and destroyed or removed:

  • Maintain Vegetation – As with many pests, maintaining the vegetation around a structure helps to limit the attraction insects will have toward your home. This also helps us to locate the nests during our inspection.

  • Limit Water Sources – During the dry months of the summer, any water supply can be a big attraction for stinging insects. A dripping faucet, or a bird bath will serve them well, so we recommend keeping an eye on these potential attractions.

  • Remain Calm – If you encounter a nest, or have stinging insects foraging around, try to remain calm. Waving your arms around and acting crazy may seem like the appropriate reaction, but these rapid movements can sometimes cause an aggressive response from wasps. If you can remain calm and move to a different area of the yard, they will likely not even realize you are nearby.

  • Avoid DIY Control – Though it may seem tempting, we strongly advise against it. These nests can be dangerous, and treatment is not as simple as it may seem. We often arrive at a stinging insect service where the client has a pile of empty store-bought cans of wasp spray, and the yellowjackets are still as active as ever.  Those cans are expensive, and often ineffective due to the elusive locations these insects build their nests.

  • Act Promptly – At the first sign of yellowjacket or bald-faced hornet activity, give us a call. Our wasp control experts will assess the situation, implement targeted treatments, and provide ongoing monitoring to prevent infestations. Our Insect Total Package service includes warrantied prevention for stinging insect nests, as well as ants, spiders, and other insect pests.